The Ten Point Checks in Generator Maintenance

  1. General Inspection. This includes walk around inspection, cleanliness, leaks, damage, lose materials, animal intrusion, air intake and exhaust blockage.
  2. Lubrication. This includes engine oil and oil filter.
  3. Turbocharger Inspection.
  4. Air Filter Inspection.
  5. Cooling System. This includes the radiator, coolant, coolant hose, water pump, belt, radiator cap condition and overflow tank.
  6. Fuel System. This includes the fuel filter, fuel lines, fuel tank, water separator and fuel quality.
  7. Battery. This also includes the charging system, starting system, cables and clamps.
  8. AC and DC Voltage Checks.
  9. Controller Settings and Alarms.
  10. Regular Engine Exercise.


Note: These are suggested general maintenance checks. Other generator set model may require regular maintenance on specific parts.


Created by: Eric A. Arevalo
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