Design Safety Conformance (part 1)

Powercity generator sets are designed and certified to conform to BS(1) , EN(2) and IEC(3) Standards 60204-1:2006 – Safety of Machinery. Product is assessed and certified by independent standards conformance agency Materials and Industrial Research & Technology Center (MIRTEC) based in Europe. Copy of certification can be viewed and downloaded from Large generator sets are usually harnessed with heavy gauge cables. If not properly supported, or isolated from vibration source, these cables are subjected into mechanical or tensile stress. IEC Standard 60204-1:2006, paragraph 12.6.2 requirement states that:

Hence to avoid mechanical or tensile stress caused by the weight of heavy gauge cables, paragraph 13.1.2 of IEC Standard 60204-1 required that terminations of cables shall be adequately supported to prevent mechanical stress of these cables.

Other generator set would separate the breaker, cable runs and terminal busbar in an enclosure adjacent to the generator but only for extra cost to the end user. Powercity can built-in the system in the same generator set enclosure without the extra cost.

Created by: Eric A. Arevalo
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