ATS Installation Height and Working Space

Installation Height

Article 4.4 of the Philippine Electrical Code (PEC) rules that all switches and circuit breakers used as switches shall be located so that they may be operated from a readily accessible place. They shall be installed such that the center of the grip of the operating handle of the switch or circuit breaker, when in its highest position, is not more than 1,980 mm (78 in.) above the floor or working platform.

The rule has exceptions:

Exception No. 1: On busway installations, fused switches and circuit breakers shall be permitted to be located at the same level as the busway. Suitable means shall be provided to operate the handle of the device from the floor.

Exception No. 2: Switches and circuit breakers installed adjacent to motors, appliances, or other equipment that they supply shall be permitted to be located higher than 1980 mm and to be accessible by portable means.

Exception No. 3: Hookstick operable isolating switches shall be permitted at greater heights

Working Space

Article of PEC rules that the width of the working space in front of the electric equipment shall be the width of the equipment or 750 mm, whichever is greater. In all cases, the work space shall permit at least a 90 degree opening of equipment doors or hinged panels.

Illustrations above are concept by Powercity and may not precisely depict the description of the Philippine Electrical Code.