Powercity engages EastWest Healthcare

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Powercity engages EastWest Healthcare

Health is wealth and productivity for Powercity Corporation. This is why the company engaged EastWest Healthcare as its health maintenance organization (HMO) for the health and medical needs of its employees. The benefits include out-patient care, in-patient care, emergency care, dental care services, and annual physical examination which can be availed from EastWest Healthcare accredited hospitals and clinics nationwide. In addition, employees of Powercity can enjoy the convenience of online consultation through the Doctor Anywhere app – a mobile phone application that gives privileges to employees of Powercity for virtual consultation and e-prescription from doctors online. Contracting parties were official representatives from EastWest Healthcare (from left) Ms. Mia Erica Balate, Ms. Mary Jane Peña, Ms. Ahra Marie Bandong, and Powercity Corporation Ms. Shirley Lua, Mr. Eric Arevalo, and Ms. Lovely Jane Llamoso.